10 Reasons Why you Should Workout out Less


It seems counterintuitive, but scaling back on your workouts can make them so much more effective and therefore lead to greater results.

Let me share with you why my Less is More approach really works…


Hardcore exercise and I had a good run. For a solid 6 years, I was killing myself- while all for good reasons. I was on a mission to be the best version of me and compete as a top professional figure competitor. 

My routine, while I was in prep was seven days a week of strength training + cardio, totaling about 3 hours a day.

While I was in prep, I didn’t deviate from this because it fit my current blueprint and I was on a mission.

I was 100% in the zone or what I like to call flow state

I had energy, confidence, and strength . Not only did I feel physically strong but my mental game was on fire.  This zone (what I would call insanity now) helped me to not only reach my goals but to function in my daily life successfully.

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