Does Doing Less actually Lead to Greater Results?

Do you believe that you have to KILL yourself to get results? Do you believe that if you can't spend countless hours in the day working out than, what's the point? 

That use to be me, thought in order to get results and KEEP THEM, I had do the same LONG workouts I use to do as a competitor. Then motherhood changed it all for me... I was forced to adopt a new mindset and one that would completely change my philosophy forever!

In honor of kicking off October with all Tabata workouts- quick and efficient- get the job done in less than 10 minutes MAX, I thought I would dig into my philosophy "Less is More" with everyone and hope that you can entertain this thought for a moment and see this can be a game changer in your life! Possibly the ONE thing that can take you from frustration to FREEDOM.

Listen to this weeks Mantra below. I would love to hear what you think! 

Join my VIP and let's crush your workouts with this Less is More Approach. Tabata Style ALL month long. 

I will prove to you that it doesn't take KILLING yourself. Are you up for the challenge? See how you can workout less and eat more and FINALLY get the results you want! 

Would love to hear your thoughts on this... 

What Kind of Workout is Best for You? 


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